
时间:2022-01-02 16:11:43 高中作文 我要投稿




英语高中作文 篇1

  Many years ago, as the development of technology, robot was created to facilitate people’s work.

  Robot can do many things for men, like it will accept the order and then carry out it.

  The most obvious advantage of robot is to caculate very quickly. As robot gets improved all the time, its functions have been largely expanded, most people worry that it will take the place of human brains.

  Many movies have explored this topic and they came to the conclusion that robot will not take the place of human being. One thing for sure is that men can’t compete with robot on caculating or the computer program, but robot has no feelings, it can’t be the real person. Even it looks like a man, still it is just the machine. It is the emotion that makes the difference between man and machine.

英语高中作文 篇2

  ielts stands for international english language testing system. you will have ielts test if you want to go to the foreign universities. ielts has four parts. they are listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

  to start with, we will prepare for listening. maybe we will buy some ielts listening tapes in the bookstores. then we need to train our listening skills for two weeks. during these days, listening to the tapes is the most important. if we can listen 150 words per minute, we will be successful.

  net, let us see the reading. in three weeks, we should read three passages of ielts every day. we had better train the skill of the fast reading when we do the eercises. our aim is that we can read 70 words per minute.

  then we will talk about the writing. we should learn some important skills in the ielts writing books first. after that, we may practise writing some essays with some models.

  the last one is the speaking. it will need very long eercise. every day we should try to talk in english with friends and the foreign teachers. finally, we will find that speaking english is as easy as speaking chinese.

英语高中作文 篇3

  How do you define loneliness? I often walk alone, should I call myself a lonely girl?


  Nowadays, it’s a common phenomenon that college students fall in love with others because they cannot stand loneliness. In my point of view, I believe that people with a strong will to finish something won’t feel lonely. Many people feel lonely when they are boring, nothing to do. That is to say, if we have many things to do, work hard for our dreams, live a meaningful life, we won’t feel lonely. Our dreams will accompany with us.


  In my opinion, I think people who don’t know what they want are lonely, because they have no destinations in their life. They are lonely in soul. So I don’t consider I am a lonely person, because I have dreams, I have best friends on my road to succeed. To a conclusion, there is no doubt that lonely in soul is real lonely.


英语高中作文 篇4

  The Autumn Festival

  Chinese celebrate the harvest on the Mid-Autumn Festival since ancient times. It's the same as the custom of Thanksgiving Day in North America. The custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival was popular in everywhere in China in the early Tang dynasty. The Mid-Autumn is on August 15 according to lunar calendar, it's the festival on which people will worship the moon.

  On this night, the moon will be bright in the sky and people will get together to appreciate the moon in the family. The Mid-Autumn Festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritage in 20xx and was designed to be a public holiday in 20xx. The moon cake is regarded as an indispensable food on Mid-Autumn Festival. People give them to their relatives and friends as gifts or enjoy them in the family party. The traditional moon cake is printed with cheracters "longevity", "blessing", "harmony" and so on. What a funny festival!

英语高中作文 篇5

  home education, or home schooling, is a phenomenon which is both old and now. it may seem to many like a strange idea, but years ago, it was the norm. george washington and abraham lincoln both received their education at home. and there is a growing trend for children to be educated at home. an estimated two million american children, one source says, are taught in their own homes instead of going to regular schools. the number of support groups, magazines and other resources for home-schooling families is also on the rise. being comparatively rare cases in china, home schooling is repeatedly reported as an attractive and promising alternative.

  parents who decide to home-school are not without reasons. many may worry about the quality of education at regular schools. they want to tailor the education of their children to their intelligence and aptitude. they prefer to choose the subjects on their own. they also think caring parents make the best teachers. studies show that many home-schooled children really do very well.proven benefits of home schooling are obvious. but educating kids at home may not be the right choice for all families. it may not be practical, and dose not constitute an important approach to children education.with computer aided education more and more available and effective, school education has advantages home education can never catch up with. no family has resources which is adequate for modern education. parents, althoug they are most caring, cannot be competent and qualified as trained teachers. a most discouraging fact is that children taught at home and do not go out to schools will develop strange characteristics which will eventually hinder them when they go out to society. they are sure to lack ability and skills to cope with various intricate relationships which cannot not be acquired through home education environment. and they will end up as crippled.

  as the matter stands, home education is not so important as to deserve more merit than is already exaggerated.

英语高中作文 篇6

  1. 对某人有礼貌 be polite to sb.

  2.受某人喜爱 be popular with sb.

  3. 占有,拥有 take possession of

  4. 发电站 power station

  5. 当权,执政 take power

  6. 因为某事赞扬某人 praise sb. for sth.

  7. 赞扬 in praise of

  8. 出席会议 be present at a meeting

  9. 眼下 at present

  10. 互赠礼物 exchange presents

  11. 在压力下 under pressure

  12. 防止某人做某事 prevent sb. from doing

  13. 以…为代价 at the price of

  1. 无论花多少代价(不惜任何代价) at any price

  15. 以…为自豪;对…感到得意 take pride in

  16. 小学 primary school

  17. 入狱,被监禁 go to prison

  18. 在狱中服刑 be in prison

  19. 将某人送进监狱 throw / put sb. into prison

  20. 越狱 escape from prison

  21. 解决问题 solve the problem

  22. 回答问题 answer the question

  23. 遵守诺言 keep one’s promise

  2. 答应,许下诺言 make a promise

  25. 以…自豪 be proud of

  26. 养家糊口 provide food and clothes for one’s family

  27. 公共事务 public affairs

  28. 舆论 public opinion

  29. 当众,公开 in public

  30. 出版社 publishing house

  31. 故意地 on purpose

  32. 把…推到一边 push aside

  33. 推倒,(风)刮倒 push over

  34. 拖延,推迟 put off

  35. 不可能 out of the question

  36. 接力赛 a relay race

  37. 通过无线电广播 on the radio

  38. 衣衫褴褛,穿破衣服 in rags

  39. 在火车站 at the railway station

  40. 小(大)雨 light / heavy rain

  41. 一线希望 a ray of hope

  42. 伸手去拿 reach for sth.

  43. 够不着 out of ones’ reach

  44. 乐意干某事 be ready to do

  45. 事实上 in reality

  46. 实现希望 realize one’s hope

  47. 为此,为此理由 for this reason

  48. 接待处 reception desk

  49. 参考;谈到 refer to

  50. 留在某人的记忆中 remain in one’s memory

  51. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. to do sth.

  52. 使某人想起 remind sb. of sth.

  53. 应…请求 by request

  54. 因此,结果 as a result

  55. 盛产;有大量的'… be rich in

  56. 除掉 get rid of

  57. 抢走某人某物 rob sb. of sth.

  58.. 起重要作用 play an important role

  59. 扮演…的角色 play the role of

  60. 给…腾出地方 make room for

  61. 对某人无礼 be rude to sb.

  62. 用完 run out of

  63. 高峰时间,拥挤时间 rush hour

  64. 满足某人的需要 satisfy one’s needs

  65. 节省体力 save one’s strength

  66. 也就是说 that is to say

  67. 为某事责备某人 scold sb. for sth.

  68. 就座,坐下 take one’s seat

  69. 不让人知道某事,保密 keep sth. a secret

  70. 抓住小偷的衣领 seize a thief by the collar

  71. 与某人握手 shake hands with sb.

  72. 店员;营业员 shop assistant

  73. 领某人出去/进来 show sb. out / in

  74. 炫耀 show off

  75. 对岸;在…另一面 on the other side of

  76. 支持某人(方) take the side of

  77. 站在…一边 take sides in

  78. 看不见 lose sight of

  79. 看到,发现 catch sight out

  80. 看不见 out of sight

  81. 静静地 in silence

  82. 和…类似的 be similar to

  83. 单程票 single ticket

  84. 量…的大小(尺寸) take the size of

  85. 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条

  86. slip a note into one’s hand

  87. 在雪地上滑倒 slip on the snow

  88. 克服困难 smooth away difficulties

  89. 大约 or so

  90. 与…有关系 have something to do with

  91. 国歌 the national song

  92. 大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说 speak out

  93. 发言,演讲 make a speech

  90. 以…的速度 at a speed of

  95. 平方公里 square kilometers

  96. 代表,象征 stand for

  97. 饿死 starve to death

  98. 处于良好状态 in a good state

  99.逐步地,一步一步地 step by step

  100. 遵守诺言 stick to one’s word / promise

英语高中作文 篇7




  Eternal Beauty

  When you get to a scenic spot and see the blue sky, the green mountain and clear water, maybe you will say this is beauty. When you read a fresh poem, graceful prose① or a wonderful article, perhaps you will sag that is beauty…. Beauty exists everywhere and everyone likes beauty. This story is about beauty of another kind----that of an ordinary woman, Yao Xinxin.

  Once, my grandmother was on a bus. Suddenly she felt sick and wanted to throw up②,but she was afraid to make the bus dirty. The moment Ms Yao saw this, she handed her own clean mug③ to my grandma and said,“Don't worry, granny. You can use this mug. ”Grandma was very grateful, but she was so weak that she suddenly fell down in a faint④.Without delay Ms Yao asked the driver to drive the bus over to a hospital nearby. After an examination,the doctor told Ms Yao that my grandma must stay in hospital for a day or two. Ms Yao paid the fee⑤ for my grandma and sat by the bed for a day.

  In the meantime⑥, my family were searching everywhere for Grandma. How we wished we could see dear Grandma again. Just when we were much worried, the next day Grandma appeared before us supported by a stranger. As you can guess, it was Ms Yao. We were wondering about this when Grandma said,“Without the kind conductor, I might not have been able to see you any more.” We thanked Ms Yao again and again, tears in our eyes.


  ①graceful['greisful] prose[pr+uz] 优美的散文

  ②throw up 呕吐

  ③mug[m)g] n.大杯

  ④faint[feint] n.昏厥 fall(down) in a faint昏倒

  ⑤fee[fi:] n.费

  ⑥meantime['mi:ntaim] n.其间


  本文引言段使用的是隐含篇题(implied thesis),即作者没有把篇题说出来,而是让读者自己通过阅读全文去归纳:这是一种心灵的美和人品的美。这一点我们可以通过作者使用的例证(illustration),即感人肺腑的真实故事体会出来。此外,作者在叙述文中的人物时也是用的含蓄手法:开始我们只知道好心人名叫Yao Yinxin,并不知道她是干什么的,直到最后才通过 Grandma 的话道出来,这就造成了一种人物身分的悬念,发人深省。

英语高中作文 篇8

  As the saying that it is never too late to learn, people are advocated to learn all their lives. Today the world is changing fast, if we get satisfied and stop to improve ourselves, then we will be kicked out soon, so self-improvement are in need of. Reading is the most effective way to get improved. Books provide us all kinds of knowledge, we can know better about the world and make ourselves the smart persons. Another way is to go to the gym. Doing exercise not only makes us look perfect, but also helps us live the healthy lifestyle. So many people work in the office and don't have the time to exercise, so they get sick easily. Only the strong body can make people live well. Reading and taking exercise are the best ways to get self-improvement, it also cost less.











